Cinderella Pkg 1 20x50

Main Image

Item 1 of 12
  • 1090 with 1091 1092 and 1093
  • ED1090 Cinderella Forest with Castle 20x50
  • ED1091 Forest Portal 20x50
  • ED1091 with ED 1090
  • ED1092 Forest Border and Legs 20x50
  • ED1090 Paired with ED1092
  • ED1121 Cinderella Act Curtain 20x50
  • ED1122 Cinderella Forest Leg 20
  • ED1123 Cinderella Tree Leg 20
  • ED1125 Palace Ballroom 20x50
  • Parlor Tab
  • 1158_CINDER_KITCH_Right_web

Our newest package has a stylized fairy tale look that will add charming fun and excitement to your production. Scenic Designer Greg Hill (Shrek, Addams Family, Mary Poppins) once again hits it out of the park and brings a brand new look to a classic tale. This series of drops is coordinated to give a polished, professional look to your set. The package is still in the design phase and we will add pictures of the drops as they are completed. The complete package should be ready for your fall show!

The Cinderella Package 1 will have 10 drops, with a minimum order of 4 required unless your ship date is within the next 30 days. You must order at least 4 drops to receive the package price.

Can’t do the whole package? Check out our numerous individual backdrops for Cinderella!

For additional information, visit our Rental Policies page. 

All prices are for a one week rental (Monday to Monday). A $500 deposit is required on all packages. Shipping is an additional charge.  Renting for more than one week? Call 913-648-8125 for pricing! 

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ItemCorporateNon-Profit/EducationPackage Price
ED1090 Forest with Castle$650.00$550.00$495.00
ED1091 Forest Portal with Flowers$650.00$550.00$495.00
ED1092 Cinderella Forest Border and Legs$525.00$425.00$375.00
ED1093 Forest Leg$300.00$200.00$150.00
ED1121 Act Curtain$650.00$550.00$525.00
ED1122 Forest Leg$300.00$200.00$150.00
ED1123 Forest Leg$300.00$200.00$150.00
ED1125 Palace Ballroom$650.00$550.00$495.00
ED1126 Palace Garden$650.00$550.00$495.00
ED1127 Parlor TAB$550.00$450.00$395.00
ED1128 Public Square$650.00$550.00$495.00
ED1158 Cinderella's Home Tab Stage Right$550.00$450.00$395.00
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