D662 Blue Ballroom

Main Image

Size: 18.1h x 47.7w
Weekly Rental Price
(Does not include shipping costs)
Regular Price: $575.00
Schools/Non-Profits: $475.00
Discounts available for
additional weeks

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"As long as FedEx picks up the backdrop today and it makes it back on time, I will be 100% satisfied with our experience with Kenmark. This was my first time renting a backdrop, and I was grateful for all the step-by-step instructions for how to fold the drop and when to communicate with FedEx. The drop looked BEAUTIFUL. I wish you could have heard my students' "oohs" and "ahs" the first time they saw it! I was so pleased with the early deliver; what a generous thing for you to do. I look forward to working with you in the future!" Cassie M. - Liberty Middle School
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